Terra — Currency Activities and Interactions
Over the last 90 days, for each active address on Terra, what is the number of Currencies Transacted with? And how about the frequency and volume of those transactions? This article will list this kind of analytics in the format of [address x currency x stat]. All the data, tool come from Flipside Crypto.
Currency Activities
Firstly, let’s define the meaning of transacted with: Here my definition is how the currency involves in the swap activities.
Frequency and Volume
To better view the frequency and volume, we need to map the active addresses in a statistical distribution chart view, based on the currency transactions and the total involved volume.
Top 10 addresses for frequency and Volume
This is the top 10 addresses based on the number of currency transactions
This is the top 10 addresses based on the number of currency transactions in USD amount:
Frequency Analysis
To analyze the frequency of the currency transaction, put them into the bar distribution chart, we can find that the offer currency distribution has broader distribution (more addresses tend to has broader ask currencies compared to the offer currency)
Take a closer look at different currencies, what we can find is that: Most of the currencies transacted are UST, LUNA and KRT:
Volume Analysis
In the end, let’s look at the Volume. In the following charts, it shows the distribution charts for each trader addresses, what we can find is that the top addresses take around $70M swapped volume for the currencies and the chart is a highly right-skewed distribution chart.
Thanks to Flipside Crypto for providing the tool and data.The link to all the queries is in the Velocity.